Toronto Dominion Bank Routing Number

TD Bank Routing Number is basically the routing number which is given by the Toronto Dominion Bank. The Toronto Dominion Bank ABA Routing Number is basically a unique number given to a customer so that they are able to make online transactions.

This is basically a number which is present in the cheque book of an individual. The Routing number holds some of the important information such as account number, documents of the account holder, branch number and account details.

Toronto Dominion Bank Routing Number

New Hampshire

Connecticut 011103093
New York-Upstate New York /

former Bank north customers

Florida 067014822
Delaware / New Jersey 031201360
Vermont 011600033
Pennsylvania 036001808
Metro NYC 026013673
South Carolina / North Carolina 053902197
Massachusetts / Rhode Island



Find out Toronto Dominion Bank Routing Number

There are a few ways with help of which customers will be able to find their routing number. Here is a complete guide on how to figure out your routing number.

Customers will be able to find out their Toronto Dominion Bank Routing Number with three steps:

  1. On the checkbook of the Toronto Dominion Bank
  2. With help of the Online Banking Login
  3. With help of the Toronto Dominion Bank Customer Care

Find Toronto Dominion Bank Routing Number on the Cheque Book

The Routing Number of the Toronto Dominion Bank is available in the cheque of the customer just before the account number.

This number is basically as a 9-digit unique number which is used during all kinds of internet transactions. Customers should know that there are a lot of Routing Numbers in the Toronto Dominion Bank and each number is dedicated to a specific location and branch.

Find Routing Number with help of Online Banking Login

Customers need to have their online banking user ID and password to get their routing number. Customers should visit to find out their routing number. Customers need to follow the simple steps given below to be able to figure out their routing number:

  1. The first thing that the customer needs to do is simply visit the Toronto Dominion Bank Online website which is
  2. Click on the Login tab and enter the User ID and the Password.
  3. After entering the details simply press the Login option and sign into the account.
  4. Look for the option called Account Information or Account Services in the profile and simply click on it.
  5. Now go to the RTN option which is the Toronto Dominion Bank Routing Transit Number and note down the number properly. This is the number which will help the users to carry forward with all the online transactions. 

Toronto Bank Routing Number with help of Customer Care

Almost all the banks right now have their own dedicated customer care so that customers are able to call and solve their problems. Toronto Dominic bank also has its own dedicated customer care. This customer care is available 24×7 so that customers are able to solve their problems even when the bank is closed. Customers will be able to contact the customer care with help of phone, email and online chat.

The Toronto Dominion Bank Customer Care Numbers are as follows:

  • 1 888 751 9000 (United States of America)
  • 1 877 700 2913 (Canada)
  • 1 856 751 9000 (Abroad)

Customers Care executives of the Toronto Dominion Bank are available 24×7 to help the customers with their routing number or any other problem related to their bank.

Locate Toronto Dominion Bank Near Me

If you are looking for Toronto Dominion Bank near you then you will easily be able to find a bank or an ATM in close proximity. Since Toronto Dominion Bank is situated all across the United States of America it is not that hard to find one in person. Here we have listed down all the steps that you need to follow to locate the nearest Toronto Dominion Bank:

  • The first thing that the customers need to do is simply go to the official website of Toronto Dominion Bank which is
  • On the home page, you will be able to see an option called Locations on the top of the screen.
  • Once you click on that option you will be able to see a search bar where you need to enter your ZIP code or City or name of your State.
  • Simply click on the Find button and you will be able to see all the Toronto Dominion Bank Near you.
  • To look for the Toronto Dominion Store near you select on the option Search Store and click on the find button.
  • This will give the customers a list of all the Available Toronto Dominion Branches or Stores near. All the address, timing and location details are available in this

Locate Toronto Dominion Bank ATM Near you

If customers are looking for a Toronto Dominion Bank ATM near them, then all they need to do to find that is follow the steps listed below.

  • The first thing that the customer needs to do is simply visit the official website of Toronto Dominion Bank at
  • Simply click on the link written Location
  • Now enter the ZIP code, Name of your city, or state and simply click on the Find button.
  • Click on the ATM box before you select the Find option.
  • Now you will be able to see all the Toronto Dominion Bank ATM which are near you

About Toronto Dominion Bank

The first time the Toronto Dominion Bank was started was in the year 1955. Toronto Bank is right now in the 19th position in the Forbes list of Banks and the CEO of this Bank right now is Bharat Masrani.

The Toronto Dominion Bank is basically a multinational bank from Canada and has headquarters in Ontario. The Toronto Dominion Bank has a huge client base and this is why they have an employee strength of 85,000. This bank was first started by a group of business people in Canada and day after day the Bank expanded and became one of the largest Banks with its presence in multiple countries.

As the Bank started growing it started including more services like an exchange of commodities, banking financial services and insurance. The services were established by the Toronto Dominion Bank after they were able to make a presence in Canada. The first branch of the bank was started in the year 1860 in Montreal. The Toronto Dominion Bank became so popular and big that soon they acquired the MBNA, which is basically a credit card company of Canada at 8.5 billion dollars.

The growth of the Dominion Bank has been very strong and in a short amount of time, it has been able to open a lot of branches in multiple countries. A lot of business is generated by this Bank every year and since this is a trusted brand a lot of people prefer to use this Bank.

Account Types in Toronto Dominion Bank

Since Toronto Dominion Bank has been in business for a long period of time customers are able to get multiple options when they open an account here. There are options like savings account, current account, students account and money market accounts. The bank has a department for each of the options it has to offer when opening an account.

The TD Bank Financial Group is right now registered as a member of the CBA also known as the Canadian Bank Association and also the CDIC is also known as the Canada Deposit Insurance Cooperation.

The Toronto Dominion bank is a very big company to itself. It has a lot of subsidiary group which is The Wealth Management, Investment Banking, Capital Markets and Securities of the Bank. This bank also offers credit card facilities. The credit card department of the Toronto Dominion Bank was purchased from the MBNA, which is a credit card company.

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